Saturday, June 13, 2009

A Time of Mercy

I’ve been in a crazy place lately of joy and despair. Do you ever have that vague feeling like something is coming, you just don’t know what or who or how? Like there is an approaching storm or the dark before the dawn breaks forth? Yeah, that’s kinda what this feels like. Anticipation for what’s coming but almost a fear for the change that is inevitable.

Now, I am no eschatological scholar, but I’ve dabbled (can one dabble in End Times?). And the truth is, there is an approaching time of tribulation. Some may say we are already experiencing it. I think of the verses in Romans 8:22-25:

“For we know that the whole creation has been groaning together in the pains of childbirth until now. And not only the creation, but we ourselves who have the firstfruits of the Spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies. For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.”

The ways I could get political or environmental or whatever at this junction… Global warming could be construed as a groaning of sorts, the loss of honey bees maybe? Anyway, I think we can all feel this groaning in our own hearts. There’s this ache for what is to come, to be pure and whole. That’s the hope my friends! Lately this groaning has been increased in my own heart though and per a usual Cassblog, I’d rather just write it out.

I’ve been reading Revelation the past few days and the thing that keeps coming at me is “Which church am I?” See, Jesus is coming back for His bride (The Church aka you and me saints), there is no confusion about that and we can all agree we want Him! But am I ready to withstand the persecution and trial that surely will ensue prior to that glorious day? In Revelation there are seven churches John is told to send letters to, or this Book rather containing John’s Revelation of Jesus. Here’s a brief snapshot of the seven churches in my humble opinion:

Ephesus – This church is patiently enduring, testing apostles and finding them to be false, bearing up for Jesus’ namesake. BUT they have lost sight of where they have fallen from and how they pursued Jesus at first. He admonishes them to remember what they did when they first loved Him.

Smyrna – They have been in trials and tribulation already. They are poor in wealth but rich in spirit. There are some among them in the synagogue who are not of God but would insinuate they are. Overall, this church is already feeling the persecution and Jesus wants them to know that if they will endure and remain faithful until death, they will receive the crown of life.

Pergamum – These guys aren’t denying their faith, but they also aren’t being careful with the teachings they are receiving. The Nicolaitans were seducing them with spiritual and sexual immorality and they were not testing out the apostles to see if they are false as Ephesus was. And because they were not careful, they were being led astray and not fighting for the truth (see reference to “double-edged sword, the Word of God in Hebrews 4:12)

Thyatira – Tolerance. Yep, I hate the word because it seems we are all asked as Christians to be more tolerant, yet no one has tolerance for us. And here, the church is called out on sitting back and tolerating this temptress Jezebel. And she is unrepentantly seducing the servants of God into sexual immorality and eating what has been sacrificed to idols. This church has the love and zeal Ephesus lacked, but there is no discernment in teaching much like Pergamum.

Sardis – They are believed to be alive but Jesus knows they are dead. They are asleep. Their town has been attacked on occasion because the watchmen have not been awake. And they are spiritually similar. They’ve given up the fight it would seem. They look nice, but inside they are dying to the point of being completely lifeless. There are some walking with Jesus, and they shall be rewarded, but the rest of the church needs to awaken and fight for what is left.

Philadelphia – This is a church that is weak, they hold fast to faith but they are limited in numbers. They are already enduring the persecution of being excluded from the Jewish synagogue and being amidst the worship of idols. Jesus encourages them by reminding them that He has loved them, even if their false “brothers” in the faith have rejected them and the day will come when they will be redeemed.

Laodicea – This body of believers looks good. Again, we see people who have it all together on the exterior only to see a lukewarm faith in their hearts. Jesus calls them to either be hot or cold – choose! Instead, we see a people living tepid lives, complacent. There’s no persecution or trial, but there’s no faith or joy either. Again, Jesus calls for them to wake up and repent before He comes knocking.

So, that’s a synopsis of the End Times churches and where they were spiritually. So where do you see yourself today? For me, I identify with each in certain ways, at certain times. There are definitely aspects of persecution, but there is also apathy. I can be lukewarm at times and discerning and fierce at others. But the church I see most clearly displayed in my life right now is the church of Thyatira.

The church at Thyatira was zealous. They loved as they did at first unlike Ephesus, but they had become tolerant of this seductress Jezebel. I’m sure it didn’t seem harmful in the beginning. But slowly, as her seductions became more and more tolerated, they became complacent. And Jesus, with His eyes of fire, comes and searches them out. He sees them, He knows their hearts. In my life I see how I too am so tolerant and ultimately seduced by the things I have struggled so long to become free from. Whatever that might be today, by allowing tolerance of them in my life I open the door for further deception and entrapment. BUT, Jesus sees me too with eyes of fire. He will throw my tempters down in the end. So why don’t I live that freedom daily? Well, when we allow ourselves to become complacent, we don’t realize just how far we’ve strayed. We lose sight of purity and ultimately our desire for Jesus. And I want the Morning Star! I do!! But I have been living as if to say maybe not enough right now to do anything about it…

So, the take home for the day is this: quit this tolerance farce and stand up for something! Namely, freedom from the sin that so easily entangles us and the tempters whom we have lackadaisically kept at bay. Let’s just turn over the tables and declare war against the Jezebels in our life. Then, we can walk in freedom. We can walk in Truth. We can walk in strength. Because as we groan and wait for the day of our complete redemption, we must also be prepared to be the pure Bride Christ is coming back for. Are you ready?

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