Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Random Early Morning Dream

So I woke up around 3:30 and wrote a bit (as evidenced in my last post) and decided to go back to bed and sleep. One of the perks of not working this week, sleep in!! Which I have yet to do once since my last day April 15th. Anyway, I love going back to bed in the wee hours of the morning with no worries of getting up for something. So I sleep...

Until 6:30 when I wake myself up laughing so hard I'm choking myself. Even know I'm grinning. So here's the dream, please feel free to analyze with me:

I am with a group of people, only one of whom I know and haven't seen since I was at her wedding two years ago. We are apparently hanging out at a house either I own or Donald Miller. Not sure on that. But there is a great backyard and spacious ceilings. For some reason we are inside and cannot go out. Most likely zombies are attacking and we do not want to be eaten. BUT, Donald Miller (yes the author)has decided that he needs to hunt us down some food. Literally!! I don't know why he felt tracking wild game through a city was a good idea, but he did. Finding nothing in our backyard, he instead hops on a city bus in search of our next meal. Did I mention he is hunting with what appears to be a makeup brush or very small dusting wand? So he is holding onto the railing in a city bus slapping little old ladies and other passengers with this wildly crazed, bloodthirsty look on his face. And grunting, he was grunting like getting ready to chase after something or as a bull would preparing to run down the matador. And then he ran off the bus screaming, slapping people all the way...

I love waking up laughing but what in the world??? I guess green olive, pepperoni, pineapple pizza at 5:30 isn't so great for mental capacities... or it's the equivalent of getting high (so I hear)?

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